Getting a tooth extracted may not be your favorite way of spending a weekend but undergoing the procedure becomes necessary for many people. How long you will require to recover from the tooth extraction entirely depends on various factors, including the size of the tooth, its location, and the type of extraction you underwent.
You may require a few weeks or several months before your tooth socket fills to close after tooth removal. If you wish to know more about the time needed to recover from the tooth removal procedure fully, kindly continue reading for some helpful tips for a manageable recovery.
The Dentist in Gilbert performs two types of tooth removal procedures. How much time you need to recover will likely depend on which extraction you had.
If you had a simple tooth extraction on a visible tooth performed by general dentistry because of infection, crowding, tooth decay, et cetera, you would require about a week to heal. However, if your tooth had several roots, it might require more time. You can see the indentation close by the end of the third week.
A hole in your mouth from tooth extraction Gilbert on a tiny tooth usually requires about seven days to close, and a larger hole will require about three weeks. Therefore the type of extraction you undergo determines how much time you will need to recover from the process fully.
Some teeth, like your third molars, often remain impacted inside your gums and jawbone and require surgical extractions to delay your recovery by several weeks. With surgical extractions, the tooth socket hole fully closes about six weeks after the procedure, but it will require several months for the indentation to close. In addition, surgical extractions are extensive and need more time for healing than simple extractions.
A blood clot formation in the extraction site occurs during the initial 24 to 48 hours. The blood clot occurs regardless of which type of extraction you underwent. However, it keeps the tooth socket free from food particles and bacteria and is essential to start your recovery and allow gum tissue and bone to begin forming. While you will find it challenging to witness the changes with your naked eye the gum tissue starts to form in the tooth socket. Bleeding from the socket will subside, leaving swelling and tenderness on the side of your face where the tooth was pulled from.
Your tooth socket starts closing between seven to 21 days after tooth removal. If you have sutures inserted, they will dissolve or be removed by the Gilbert dentist. Unfortunately, large tooth extractions and impacted teeth require the longest healing time.
Between one and four months after tooth removal, the tooth socket should completely heal without indentation in your jaw. After that, the tooth socket will become filled with new bone.
If your blood clot does not form after tooth removal or becomes dislodged, you become vulnerable to the risk of a dry socket. Dry sockets can complicate your tooth extraction procedure and interfere with new bone growth and soft tissue development over the extraction site. In addition, dry sockets will cause excruciating tooth pain and require help from the dental clinic to relieve the discomfort with sedative dressings, which can delay your recovery further.
After tooth removal, whether surgical or simple, you must adhere to the dental offices’ instructions to ensure you do not allow other factors to interfere with your healing. For example, you must keep the gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes to help form the blood clot to achieve your goal. In addition, you must also rest to give your body time to recuperate. Finally, drink plenty of water at room temperature and eat soft foods for a few days.
You receive medications to manage pain from the tooth extraction, which you can take as the dentist recommends. In addition, you can also use ice packs on your cheeks to alleviate swelling while making efforts to keep your mouth clean to help with your recovery.
You must avoid eating crunchy and hard foods soon after tooth removal and avoid consuming alcohol or hot drinks like coffee to prevent dislodging of the blood clot.
Tooth extractions are relatively standard and routinely performed on children and others in America. The recovery time from tooth extractions depends on the type of procedure you underwent and its complexity. However, you can expect to recover quickly without complications if you follow your dentist’s instructions.
Absolute Dental performs many dental extractions on patients using simple or surgical techniques providing people with a timeline for their recovery. If you must have a tooth extracted, kindly consult with them to determine how much time your tooth extraction will require to heal.